1:22 PM Paul's Blog update |
It has been a year now working on these Bendu games, I sit down now to play F.L.O.I.D. games, and to work with him on internet games too, they are surprisingly fun and time filling. I'll be wrapping his 'Virtual Floid' program up and posting the first version of it up for sale, very soon, note: they will be full of interesting stuff and you'll enjoy a ton of time and music with it. I'm most excited myself to get a finished one! but the original will always have a place too. FLOID'S program will be 19.99 for a digital copy, or 24.99 which includes s/h for a physical copy with printed coverings & comes with a Bendu Virtual Game System in the game. Discounts and raffles will be held once the product is done and F.L.O.I.D. will be on his way with your help, to get completed as part of our new game system. Thanks for reading and playing! Bendu games Team & Glovemania77 |
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